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The implementation of visual teaching based activities to develop oral skills in EFL classroom with fifth graders

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dc.contributor.advisor Gonzalez, Lilian ; Asesora es
dc.contributor.author Azuero Sanchez, Jose David
dc.coverage.spatial Bogotá D.C. es_ES
dc.date.accessioned 2015-07-29T15:58:20Z
dc.date.available 2015-07-29T15:58:20Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10656/3403
dc.description.abstract The development of oral skills in students from public schools in primary and secondary education is a fact that concerns English teachers at all levels of education; it is easily perceived that the use of the target language to produce oral responses is different at each stage of the learning process and its complexity varies according to the students‟ needs, their pace of understanding, the content, and what they are required to produce at each level of education. According to the Colombian Ministry of Education, students from public and private schools at all levels of education (kindergarten to eleventh grade) are part of the Program of Bilingualism (2004-2019), and they are expected to reach certain level of English proficiency to be able to manage situations in a globalized society where the English language is the frame of reference. es
dc.language.iso en es
dc.publisher Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios es
dc.subject Técnica visual es
dc.subject Educación es
dc.subject Lenguaje es
dc.title The implementation of visual teaching based activities to develop oral skills in EFL classroom with fifth graders es
dc.type Thesis es
dc.subject.lemb PERCEPCIÓN VISUAL - TÉCNICA es
dc.subject.lemb LENGUAJE Y LENGUAS es
dc.subject.lemb PEDAGOGÍA es
dc.publisher.program Licenciatura en Idioma Extranjero - Inglés es_ES

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